Ante-Natal Pilates

The Ante-Natal Pilates program is designed to accommodate your body & abilities as you move through the various stages of pregnancy

Ante-Natal Class

Pregnancy can be a very rewarding time to tune inward and connect with the fundamentals of Pilates.

The Ante-Natal Pilates program is designed to accommodate your body & abilities as you move through the various stages of pregnancy. We aim to teach you to creatively blend the power of your mind with the movement of your body in a way that is safe, efficient and extremely enjoyable. The program builds core strength by targeting abdominals, back and pelvic floor muscles and strengthens the glutes to support a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery. The upper body is also targeted to ensure women have the strength and stamina to cope with the many challenges of motherhood


Working with these Principles will not only enhance your workout experience but they also offer skills to bring to the birth and care of your baby.

The exercise Principles:

  • Centering,
  • Concentration,
  • Control,
  • Precision,
  • Breath & Flow.
Book a Class

Classes are 55 minutes long!

You are required to complete a waiver form prior to attendance, which can be emailed to you,